Saturday, July 10, 2010


Welcome to my Blog site! 

 Em-Powered - - Although it is a contemporary buzzword, the word empower  is not new, having arisen in the mid-17th century with the legalistic meaning "to invest with authority, authorize." Shortly thereafter it began to be used with an infinitive in a more general way meaning "to enable or permit."

Empowered is first mentioned in the bible, Genesis 1:26-28 - -  God gave man "dominion" . . . and God said (verse 31) it was very good.
We often times live in a world where we no longer have dominion.  Where we often feel the world controls us - - from the way we look, to what we eat, to what we drive, to who we socialize with .. . . .and it is not "very good"

For me, "empowered" is a journey . . . it is a taking back of the "dominion" God intended for me from the begining.  It has been a journey from leading a self destructive life style for way too long, to a  journey of finding healing, restoration, and peace. 

Mark 5:1-20 talks about a man possessed by demons.  This parable, for me, helped me to recognize my addictions are my demons.   Like the iron chains that could not bind the man in this parable, our bondage is not forged by others; but enslaves and cripples us from within our own hearts. The power to change only comes from God's grace.

The Journey is the destination.  I have been three years in Celebrate Recovery.  God knows our end from our beginning all we need to access that knowledge is TRUST. 

Lies vs. Truth .. . .

Trey Smith wrote on my Face book today: this is the life...being able to differentiate between whats love & whats lust...with all barriers broken, no more issues with trust...this is the life...searching for that balance of patience & kindness...on a journey with the ones 

 To differentiate (using discernment) between love (putting others before yourself) and lust (our own selfish desires) - - My lust for power is rooted in dis-trust, in my weakness not my strength . . my addictions are based on lies.  My out of control behavior is my distorted way of controlling others around me . . . and making them as un-healthy as me.

I recently read . . ."In admitting our weaknesses, we affirm God's strength."  We were never made to live a life consumed with dependencies, addictions, and obsessions.  Ephesians 2:8-10 says it is by grace we are saved.

Life is a Journey.  The Journey is the destination. We are empowered to choose. I choose faith, hope, and love - - have a blessed week.


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