Saturday, August 7, 2010


When we are all prayed out, all faithed out, all walked out  - - when we are DONE  - - its what we are surrendering to that makes a difference.   What "Gods" are we surrendering to?  Are we surrendering to THE God - - to TRUTH, LOVE, & TRUST - - knowing that we have done all that we know how to do and we are leaving the rest in HIS hands - - the key word here is REST - - that I cannot manipulate and FORCE things the way I think things should be - - I have got to STOP / to rest - - to KNOW I followed direction, I did all that I could possibly do for all the right reasons (and the right reasons are to serve others for the benefit of others, not self-serving) then I can say I'm DONE.   Or am I surrendering to the gods of my addictions and am I being self serving . . . . . 

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